
One church, represented in many houses.

We are one church, and a collection of churches.

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our story

Church as family

Our definition is found in being a diverse kingdom family. Our shared way of life, or the ecosystem God is building, includes equally influential components, all interconnected and interdependent, purposed to knit our lives together and build a spiritual house for God, where He is uniquely present, dwelling by the power of His Spirit.


House to house

Habitation Church is a church, and also a collection of churches. The primary way we gather is in homes, as house churches. We emphasize gathering in homes and going house to house. For us, the house is not a means to an end, but rather a vital component in God's purposes in building His House His way. The home is the hub for life and should be viewed as central to our ministry efforts in a way of life.  


Unified and centralized

We enjoy coming together in larger meetings where all of our various house churches gather. These gatherings are important and vital to God's purposes in building His House. We join together in worship, prayer, exhortation, the preaching and teaching of the Word of God, and more.  

our leadership
Who Leads The Church? 

Ultimately, Jesus is the head of his body and the King over his people.

Those among us who  provide some element of human leadership are always aware that we do this as a stewardship. We are accountable to the Lord for the way we guide and care for His people (Hebrews 13:17), and we strive to do this with a sincere conscience and a heart of love.

Our vision of leadership is grounded in the teaching of Jesus and the apostles. It emphasizes servanthood (Mark 10:44-45), Christlike character (1 Timothy 3:1-13; Titus 1:5-9), a parental mindset and track record (1 Timothy 3:4; see 1 Thessalonians 2:7, 11) and a genuine desire to follow the Spirit’s leading into this sober and joyful responsibility (see Acts 20:28; 1 Timothy 3:1).

When identifying leaders among us, we also take into consideration people’s God-given identity and gifts. This includes awareness of whether someone could carry a “five-fold” identity and calling (like in Ephesians 4:11), or whether they possess or demonstrate various Spiritual gifts related to leadership (like those mentioned in Romans 12 and 1 Corinthians 12-14). There is no necessary correlation between these callings/gifts and local leadership, though there certainly can be!

Called To Raise Disciples

Habitation Church is led by a team of leaders who work together to nurture, build, protect, empower and release people into the work of the Kingdom. The Scriptures regularly speak of the necessity of parental figures whose responsibility it is to raise disciples and help shape them in their journeying with God and being conformed to the image of Jesus by the power and work of the Holy Spirit.

Sometimes they are referred to as “Elders” (Acts 14:23; 20:17; 1 Timothy 5:17; Titus 1:5; 1 Peter 5:1) which likely derives from the Old Testament’s references to a group of older, wiser men whose leadership in a city was meant to bring stability, ensure justice and enable the community to live in the blessing of the Lord. Other times, they are referred to as “overseers” (Philippians 1:1; 1 Timothy 3:1; Titus 1:7). This is a term that was used in the Greco-Roman world to refer to someone who functioned as a guardian or steward within a specific group of people.

Sometimes they are referred to with general terms beside the two above, but with the same expectations of their role in caring for, serving and otherwise leading God’s people (Romans 12:8; 1 Thessalonians 5:12; Hebrews 13:17).

Regardless of the terminology, these leaders are responsible for the overall health, growth and work of the church. They serve together, sharing responsibility and authority, in order to ‘ground’ God’s international mission in the city, neighborhoods and households in which they live.

We have Elders. We also recognize other needed and influential forms of leadership for people. Our Elders create a reference point among us who are currently modeling and cultivating a way of life that aligns people with God’s heart and purposes for them through our different house churches. Our "Elders" all currently lead house churches. We acknowledge their life and influence in our church work.

We see our Elders as “under shepherds” to the Good Shepherd (1 Peter 5:1-4). Their parental role of allowing the resource of their lives in God to be an instrument that God can use via a relational influence is vital to the overall integrity and trajectory of our church work.  

Michael & Anna dow

Michael and Anna have been married for eighteen years, and have six children. Together, they have been faithful to the local church in Tampa, FL, Charlotte, NC, and now in the Orlando, FL area. In each of these experiences they have been planted, formed, tested, and proven. In 2016 they planted what is now Habitation Church. From that time, they have continued to serve as leaders in the house God is building and in 2024 have been affirmed as Elders.  


Frankie and Janelle have been married for fourteen years and have five children. Together, they have served God’s purposes in local church work in the Chicagoland area, missions in Iraq, and now the Orlando area for more than a decade. Their pastoral care, wisdom, and genuine love and care for God’s house and people make them an invaluable asset to our efforts here at Habitation Church.


Steven and Chere have been married for nineteen years and have six children. They have served God together for more than sixteen years—for a decade in a local church work where they are originally from in Lakeland, FL, and now for the past six years with Habitation Church in the Orlando area. Their loyalty, integrity, authenticity, variety of gifts and leadership are a tremendous strength to the team and churches here.